
Length   Hitting   Pitching
Season Career   Runs RBIs ABs Avg Hits SBs 2Bs 3Bs HRs   Wins ERA Ks IP
Please select the above categories to view the records.

Season Runs

12003Brady Dolan63
21995Don Price62
21995Ryan Dolan62
22000Marc Kaiser62
31994Chris Kahl60
42010Nick Bietz56
52002Drew Lipnosky54
61999John Cruz53
61998Kevin Bills53
72004Steve Mays51
71999Marc Kaiser51
72004Drew Johnson51
81997Matt Digesti50
81994Ryan Dolan50
81986Chris Heath50
92005John Wallace49
91996Brent Harland49
102008Glenn Wallace48
101998Jimmy Wallace48
111999Jimmy Wallace46
111998Joe Walden46
112010Pat Gallagher46
111997Scott Albright46
112008Thomas Wood46
121997Andy Riddell45
132000John Fahrendorf44
131994John Cashill44
131998Marc Kaiser44
131992Ryon Walters44
131994Don Price44
132003Drew Johnson44
131996Matt Digesti44
131995Steve Kosach44